To many, it seemed like Liza Minnelli emerged fully formed in her career-defining role in 1972's CABARET but she did exist earlier, first as Judy Garland's daughter and then as an ingratiating young ingenue. She did, however, release several quite good albums prior to CABARET, including this 1966 one, THERE IS A TIME.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Sad Sack Button
Spotted on Facebook, this 1966 SAD SACK button. Buttons were big in '66 and SAD SACK comics were everywhere in '66! In fact, all through the early seventies!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Super Teen
Back in '66 being super was "in" so even the Riverdale residents took their turns. Here's sweet, innocent Betty as Super Teen!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Gemini 8

R.I.P. Neil Armstrong (r)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Whipped Cream Lady
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Double Image-Helen MacInnes
THE DOUBLE IMAGE was the year's book from prolific female spy author Helen MacInnes whose husband had more or less been an actual spy many years earlier. She won the Columbia Prize for Literature in '66.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The Mindbenders-Groovy Kind of Love
The Mindbenders had been the backing group of Wayne Fontana in the early British Invasion but on their own had one of the biggest hits of '66 with the mellow, "Groovy Kind of Love."
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Dennis the Other Menace
Monday, August 13, 2012
Joe Kubert's Tales of the Green Beret
The late Joe Kubert turned out some amazing work on this syndicated newspaper strip in '66 all the while maintaining the high quality of his SGT. ROCK stories and covers for DC Comics!
R.I.P. Joe Kubert
Saturday, August 11, 2012
00 Division # 24
OUR MAN IN CASABLANCA aka THE KILLER HAS NO FACE starring Lang Jeffries. The Canadian/American Jeffries had been married to actress Rhonda Fleming before heading off to find some success in Eurospy thrillers. He also played spaceman Perry Rhodan in MISSION STARDUST!
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Ballad of the Green Berets

The song itself is reasonably catchy albeit extremely right-wing sounding today. Sadler's bland delivery of it does not hold up at all, however. When it came out, the anti-war sentiment was just building. I was seven. All I knew was it was a good and patriotic thing to support your country and its military. Eventually, I came to understand that that was true but not to do so blindly!
For his part, Sadler failed at a follow-up and then failed again as an actor. He seemed to find a niche when he created CASCA, the popular series of violent pulp novels about an "eternal warrior" who fights in every war throughout history. The series seeemed to go on forever. Again, though, in reality, Sadler had only written the first few before the publisher began having them hacked out under his name.
He ended up in South America, allegedly running guns to the Contras. There was some talk of drugs, also. He was found shot in a cab in a still-mysterious incident and ended up in a coma for nearly a year before passing.
Still, no one can ever take away 1966, where, for one brief moment, between Beatles songs, the country's patriotism swelled proudly to the strains of THE BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERETS.
Edited from BOOKSTEVE'S LIBRARY, November, 2008
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Strange Adventures--Strange Heroes
In 1966, even the long-running DC sci-fi mag, STRANGE ADVENTURES began adding super-heroes to their mix of OUTER LIMITS-style tales. Animal Man, Immortal Man and The Enchantress! Animal Man would end up the most successful but not for another few decades until Grant Morrison made him an existential favorite.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Summer in the City-The Lovin' Spoonful
Although they had initially hit the charts in 1965, it was in this month in '66 that The Lovin' Spoonful had their biggest--and only--# 1 chart topper, "Summer in the City."
Friday, August 3, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
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